Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Around the fun farm on a weekend

T'was a weekend well-spent. Along with hubby and two bosom buddies, I set to The Fun Farm at Sta. Elena Golf and Country Club Estate in Sta. Rosa, Laguna  to check it out and sample some of its organic produce.

Away from the bustling metro and into the countryside.

Well, hello fun farm!

Oh, to be a child again!

Balik Bukid! A call to experience life on the farm. 

Haven of peace.

Hello, sir!

Holy carabao! for a healthy and sustainable living 

My stash of organic fresh vegetables harvested
upon order: half kilo of basil, two pieces (kundol) white gourd or winter melon, half a kilo of camote tops and alugbati or Malabar spinach, two kilos of eggplants, three kilos of white corn on the cob all for a total P500. I planned to buy organic red rice but was told that such had to be pre-ordered(sigh!)

The Fun Farm at Sta. Elena hosts a Balik Bukid country fair twice a year ( it started last year) which gathers merchants selling local products. Spearheading the event is no less than the farm owner herself, Hindy Weber-.Tantoco. I missed the event early this year but glad to know there's one more coming up late this year.
Photo from Balik Bukid  FB page
Click here for directions to the farm.
Photos by DSanti and DSS

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