Monday, February 11, 2013

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Hello world! I  know it was too long a hiatus ... but yes, I'm back in the saddle! I'll talk about why I had that long  break in the coming posts but meantime, Gong Xi Fa Cai!

I have a stash of Tikoy or Nián gāo, that popular Chinese dessert made from glutinous rice flour, sugar and water, given by friends for Chinese New Year. Like  most of you, I  cook tikoy the easiest way possible-  dipped in beaten egg then fried  and served with sugar.  Today, I thought why not make tikoy rolls? For a twist, I added jackfruit ( much like a banana turon ) and need I say it was a hit for  merienda? Needs a little improvement, I must say. I should use  thicker lumpia wrappers next time to avoid the gooey delicacy from spilling out from its wrap while frying the rolls. 

Tikoy rolls anyone?

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