Friday, March 29, 2013

Musings on Good Friday

It’s not Easter yet but I received my Easter present  ( or should I say Easter message?) early ... on Good Friday!

I’ve been missing my best friend who passed away last December and this is my first Holy Week without her. Normally, at this time of the year, we would be comparing notes: what activities we were going to have, the seven churches our families would visit for the  traditional Visista Iglesia and where we would spend Easter Sunday and how.

Days before her passing she asked me to pray for her. I still keep my promise and pray I would for her every single day. Yesterday was no exception and as my family and I made our first stop for our Visita Iglesia, I talked to her like she was beside me and asked her to pray with me. In my heart and in my mind I knew she was there praying with me as I was praying for her, for her eternal peace and for the healing of her loved ones, especially her two boys and her husband. I said the same prayer ( along with other petitions ) in the seven churches that we  visited.

I woke up this morning with tears in my eyes. Dearest best friend forever Malou appeared in my dream last night. She was at a party and was waiting for me. I came and she looked at me and smiled. Everyone was dressed in white. She was happy eating grapes, smiling and telling me  how good the grapes were. In an instant my dream shifted to another scene: it was pitch- black around us but  here we were still talking about things. She suddenly points to a framed picture by the stairs and tells me as if reassuring: “maganda pala doon! “  I looked at the direction where she was pointing and I saw this picture of a lady with a ray of light around her, no, not just an ordinary ray of light but a beautiful, radiant, bright ray of light. 

I knew then my dearest best friend forever is really HOME and she is happy.  I am happy knowing that she is happy but I cried still because I miss her so.

The bright ray of light in my dream  pretty much looked like this: 

Taken at Pinaglabanan Church in San Juan City:
our first church for Visita Iglesia

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Remember this?

In one of my  posts, I mentioned that I was so looking  forward to something.

The photo (above ) was a teaser to my blog’s image header courtesy of one of my dearest BFFs,  Isel M who owns and manages Work Area in Cagayan de Oro City  ( click the link and check it out for your printing needs).  We tweaked the original design a little bit ( after countless exchange of e-mails ) and now, it’s finally showing!  

Thank you, dearest bff, for your love and patience!