Friday, November 2, 2012

Serve those holiday desserts in style!

For a refreshing change, serve those irresistible desserts for Noche Buena in vibrant dessert serving plates like these ...

Maximize table space with two-tier dessert plates.

Found these fab holiday finds at  Color it Christmas by Tamilee Industries, Inc.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's November! already?

I can’t believe it’s November already. It’s just weeks before Christmas and I’m officially in a panic mode! But as one of my (George) friends say we must remind ourselves : “ I am a stress-free zone! ” And so, I’ll try ( again) to be just that …

For starters,  I’ll think happy thoughts, family, friends, sunny smiles and good weather. And I'll think about what’s coming … like this one:

Can you guess?